About me

This is not a comprehensive account, nor is it linear. Born and raised on Andean hights, in Quito, Ecuador. Headquartered in the remote Central Europe, in Wroclaw, Poland. Inside, I carry the tenderness and rootlessness of the Mestizo. On the surface, a mountain animal. And the suspicion of the oppressed class. And the gratuitous joy displayed by the oppressive class. And the stubbornness of the Slavic. And trust and confidence, which are of my own.

The data that can be listed to help a silhouette is far from being a list of outstanding events. Many of my days have been serene just because they transcurred under the shelter of the average.

I became aware of my taste for meanings by fortuity; that was while learning the Polish language in order to begin studies in the Central Europe. In the scarcity, you gain awareness: having gathered the first scanty three thousand entries, I set upon conceiving connections between them just for fun, in order to squeeze the additional value out of the words, that is to say, a new meaning.

Then I pursued the same kind of poking around in English language as well. I was thirsty of the yet non-existant meaning that can be cojured by combining words with one another.

Much later, other conjunctures put me to learn the German language. Whipped up by the experiments with the other three languages (well, about the Spanish there is no need recalling), when speaking German I deploy jumps with no parachute and look to see how whole I touch earth 🙂

I have had a wonderful guide on the way to raise poetry from among the rest of spacetime events: the artistic action workshops leaded by Beata Bols in Breslau, 2014-2018. Part of the poems that were bred there will be published in InDeepPoetry, under „My poems” and also under “Contact”.

The verses I record here are of my own and from many other Authors as well. There is no other criterium of choise than sheer enthusiasm. InDeepPoetry is a ludic blog: the very spice of the issue is settled in the zest for meaning.

As I have already said under “Home”, sometimes I register the poem only in two languages, sometimes I upload it with a lacking word or line, or with double options of translation to choose from. Feel then free, my fellow poets, translators, and readers, to complete and comment the given translations in the comments square.

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